This applies to online jobs that are characterised by referral links.Most of these internet jobs are scams. One common feature of the internet jobs are the existence of referral links.Too bad most internet users fall for them.Now lets look at the structure of these fake online jobs.<br>
Registering is free and there's a bonus on registering.This is a common tool used by the internet cons to lure more 'fan' base.Come to look at it.They say the best things in life are like for free but in this case open your eyes.One case is that of <a href="">monthly youth</a>,in this case you are awarded $25 on registeration.Thats cunning,right??<br>
A target to reach before requesting for payout. This is a common feature evident in the scam site.You are given a target to reach(minimum payout)<br>
Requesting payout stage.Now this is the worst feature.You are happy you reached your target,then there is an option of requesting payout.But then you are directed to first complete survey.In some cases you'll be told there are no surveyss in your region.(thats proof that you'll never get paid)<br>
Lastly,one common thing about this jobs is that the owners of the site are anonymous,the email adresses are fake and there is no contact.<br>
In short,never sign up with this fake internet jobs(involving referral links).Remember if the deal too good to be true swerve!!!</p>
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