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Tuesday 17 March 2015


Did you know that iatrogenesis is the 3rd leading
cause of death in America??Doctor-induced
deaths.A shocking report on iatrogenesis revealed
that up to 225,000 patients die annually as a
result of iatrogenesis.Which raises eyebrows and
questions on how safe are patients(we) in the
hands of doctors.
According to Wikipedia ,Iatrogenic refers to
any consequence of medical treatment or advice
to a patient. It also refers to the illness that
results from a misdiagnosis and in most cases
leads to death.This is often practised by rogue
hospitals that are only interested in money and in
most cases often physicians often recommend
surgery even for the not serious medical
cases.The rogue hospitals use this as a cash
cow.That's why i advise you to be wise and
intelligent enough to know what's happening.
Want to know whether you have been a victim of
iatrogenesis??Very easy. Some iatrogenic effects
are clearly defined and are recognised with so
much ease( For example) a complication following
a surgical operation ( e.g.Instead of having a
colonoscopy(colon surgery) ,a physician performs
a thoracic surgery,now the complication that
arises from that medicall error can make you
recognize that you've been 'iatrogenised'.This
can often lead to death as one becomes stressed
up and suicidal thoughts flood the minds of most
victims of this unfortunate act.
The horror movie Sublime is an example of
The plot centers on the protagonist George
Grieves , who checks into the Mt. Abaddon
Hospital for a routine procedure
only to find horrors await him. Awakening from
what was supposedly a simple colonoscopy ,
Grieves is told by hospital staff
that due to confusion arising from similar patient
names he was mistakenly given a sympathectomy
to cure sweaty palms .[Misdiagnosis alert]> [1st
step in iatrogenesis ]
As the days tick by Mr. Grieves' post-
operative experiences grow ever more bizarre
until he finally realizes that he is caught inside a
nightmare of his own creation and seems unable
to escape or awaken back in
the real worldg . [The iatrogenic effect]
He understands that
something has gone wrong in his post-operative
recovery which is keeping him trapped in this
netherworld of manifestations
of all of his worst fears but he understands
neither what the problem is nor what, if anything,
he can do to awaken from it.We eventually see
his condition from his family's perspective and it
appears hopeless.
The doctors explain that there was a
complication during the Sympathectomy which
created an air bubble in his bloodstream that
eventually reached his brain and caused so much
damage that he ended up in an apparently
permanent vegetative state>[ Complication arising
from the misdiagnosis now manifesting]
He's been dead to the outside world for 10
months and his family is being pressured to
remove all artificial means of life support .[ Side
effects of the medical error on the physician's
My only advice to you is to be vigilant while
visiting hospital and be well informed of your
disease so as to avoid being a victim of
iatrogenesis or to avoid being iatrogenised as i
like to say

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