Image from
Virtual reality headsets could be the hottest gadget in the smart world right now and even in the years to come.Users
of the headsets have boasted about the nirvanic experience.Users are taken to a virtual world made possible by the VR headset where they are totally immersed into the virtual reality.Could this be the next big thing ?
Well,according to me VR headsets are going to be the next big thing.This is because the VR can be used to enhance consumer entertainment ,theraphy,gaming experience and many others.VRs (virtual reality headsets)can be used to enhance consumer entertainment as consumers of the headsets are able to explore the new world(virtual) ,a creation of the VR headsets.A user talked on how he was on a flight and the plane was flying above the skies when the plane started experiencing blackouts.Thats when he came to the real world.The user said this was pure entertainment.Another user talks of how he walked into a place full of beautiful roses arranged well in a garden.Then there was a blue sea and everything was cool and the environment was serene.The user explained the experience as nirvanic.
VR headsets are also enhance the gaming experience.Gamers can wear the headset then get Totally immersed in the Gaming world.For example Football games.When one puts on the headset they get totally immersed in the game.The VR headsets increase the gamers experience by a thousand fold.Expect the VR headsets in more gaming activities.
Virtual reality also enhance theraphy.This theraphy can be for the people with anxiety disorders,post-traumatic stress and even bipolar disorders.It also relates to the third eye meditation i mentioned on my blog before.If you have an anxiety disorder just put on the headsets and be prepared for a nirvanic experience.The whole virtual reality thing relieves your stress and even anxiety and you come out strong,calm and stress free person better than the person you were before entering the VR.This relates very much to the third eye meditation where you open your 'third eye'. READ MORE- Third eye meditation
Now,can someone develop an VR app?I'm 100% that the developer of the VR app will totally make a 'kill' Tweet
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Saturday, 31 October 2015
Friday, 30 October 2015
* Biznerati looks at the hottest product in the market
*How a consumer can differentiate a genuine and counterfeit product
Goldkey is a product i can say acts like a scratch card,just like sticking a scratch card to a product only that in this case the scratch card
contains a number that contains all the important details of the product which can be accessed after a potential buyer of a certain product scratches to reveal a digit number after which he or she follows the prompts.
Talking of prompts,These are the prompts you should follow to ensure the product you are buying is real:
1)Look out for the scratch off panel on the
product package.Gently rub off to reveal the pin
2)Go to www.1393.Co and your browser will
direct you to
where you'll proceed to enter the pin then send to the short sms special code
VOILA!!!!!! Thumbs up to mPedigree network ,continue with the same spirit
mPedigree=Bringing quality to life
But notice this can be achieved if product companies can work hand in hand with the network(mPedigree).
Are you a product company
tired of all the counterfeits (replica products)and want to realise your proceeds then contact and bring quality into life. Tweet
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Just learnt that Guinness World Record holder and famous bulldog Tillman has died at the age of 10.
All I can say is that Tillman lived life to the fullest,holding a Guinness world record for fastest 100m on a skateboard by a dog and even entertained in the streets with the skateboarding skills.
Here are some of the videos on Tillman; Tweet
>VIDEO 1(Guinness world record)
>VIDEO 2 (Tillman surfing)
> VIDEO 3(Tillman skimboarding)
Life well lived.RIP Tillman
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After getting equipped with Dr. Myles Munroe 7 principles of the Eagle ,here are some traits one can pick from a hen
1 A good planning ; She first lays enough eggs before sitting on them.Mobilize the resources you need before you embark on your dream.
2.Focused; When She starts sitting on her eggs,she minimizes mobility.She's focused on what she has planned.After drawing your blueprint,the next step is to stay focused.
3. Self denial;While sitting on her eggs,she rarely feeds:She's focused on her eggs.:-) In the journey to fulfilling your dream,there are some things you'll be forced to deny yourself.
4.Sensitive :She detects unfertilized eggs and rolls them out.You should be able to purge fake friends out of your life and surround yourself with people who bring out the best in you.
5. Protective Love No one can touch her chick:She gives the chick security from intruders.
Same applies to you,protect your dream from intruders.Ignore cynics.
6.Mentorship:She mentors her chicks and can't abandon them before they mature.Same applies to a parent,its the responsibility to give their children "wings of independence and deep roots of responsibility" Tweet
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Tuesday, 27 October 2015
Did you know that pineapple juice
1)Can serve as an anti-biotic
2)Make the skin radiant
3)Can suppress coughs 7times more than the cough syrup
VOILA!! Tweet this
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7000for50000[BASED ON A TRUE STORY]
*George,a villager,is reporting to work.Mind you,this is his first day in the city
*On the way he gets involved in a Deep Game
*At the end of it all,George never reports to work.
7000for50000 [Based on a true story]
So this guy ,(George) was walking down the street on the way to workplace first day in the city when this guy who was afew metres infront of him came and suprised him with news that he had come across some envelope containing 50k a man had just dropped a few minutes ago
Excited by the 'breaking news',george suggested the money to be shared equally."To avoid suspicion,lets go to somewhere safe or maybe put it in your bank account then you can withdraw the money and give me my share,"the guy suggested.George nodded."no biggie"."er..before you go how sure am i if you will return back"the guy asked .George replied "My phone can do.Let me leave you with my phone i can also add my ID"
"No need ill just have the phone,I will be waiting here ".The guy replied.George gave him his phone and proceeded to go to the bank.On the way to the bank,questions were running through george's mind.He could hear voices in his head to tell him to run with the money anyway whats 7000 to 50000.So george made up his mind and ran away with the money.
What he didnt know was that he was playing a game.The game was a guy was to drop an envelope containing 50k(1000 on top of bundle 500 at tge bottom and fake money stack in between to make it look somehow heavy).The next guy was to pick and pretend that he has picked and now wants to divide with the victim,and by that the victim would fall easily for the trap
George reached his apartment full of happiness.As he reached out on the envelope.He was shocked.Only 1500 was legit there other bands were fake.He didnt know what to do.He took that as a lesson.Tweet this
Monday, 26 October 2015
Did you know that too much running can lead to a short lifespan?Well,a Research study that was done confirmed this.
The enzyme that is released after running a marathon is the same as the one released when there is heart failure.Well,by now you already know what that means.When one runs continously from day to day as much as its perfecting the body and allowing free flow of blood circulation,it could also pose a risk of shorter lifespan on the downside.
That's why its advisable to not run continuously from day to day.At least a break should be in between.Its healthier to run a comfortable distance.Moderation is KEY.
The fact that there is similarity between the enzyme released after running a marathon and when heart failure occurs is reason enough to stay on the safer side. Tweet
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Prolonged consumption of overcooked natural foods could have a negative effect on your body
*Biznerati talks about Fish pedicure
*How it feels like getting a treat from doctor fish
*Is it safe?
Imagine getting your leg 'spa'd' by a fish?Sounds weird.I know.Well,its true and it's a practice common in some spas in Kenya.Its not the ordinary type of fish used,it's the Doctor fish . . Welcome to
Fish pedicure therapy.
The Doctor fish is a fish particularly used for treating skin diseases and it's also used in skin softening.Others call it the epidermis-eating fish.All you need to do is insert your legs on the home-made pond containing thousands of the Doctor fish and relax as the Doctor fish do their work.
The first time you insert your legs on the pond you'll get that 'ticklish' Feeling but with time you'll get used to it.Maybe that 'ticklish' feeling you get is a way of them greeting you or welcoming you for the service.(Giggles)After running your legs deep on the pond for approximately 30mins .You remove the legs from the pond and apply some oil to the skin to soften the leg around the skin further and that way you are good to go
Over the years fish pedicure therapy has been banned in several countries after questions arose of the spread of fungal diseases.With people streaming in to use the therapy,questions rose of how secure they were in terms of health if the same doctor fish were being used for different clients.Because if a doctor fish feeds on the dead skin of the first client, then the 2nd client uses the same water in the tank(pond) and the same doctor fish,wouldn't there be a risk of skin disease or fungal infections??
However,beauty clinics offering fish pedicure therapy defended themselves saying they do not use the same water to different clients.They use filters and are able to change water used and also they check on the client's feet before dunking their feet on the tank(pond)
The fish pedicure therapy service goes for $80 thats approximately sh7000.Next time you are visiting the spa centre ask whether they do fish pedicure therapy.You'll love it .Tweet
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Saturday, 24 October 2015
Hey,you want to Leave so soon
Thanks for stoping by!You can receive this booklet2007 PEV Based on a True story
no thanks

Could Li-fi be replacing Wi-fi in the near future?Well,after reports of dangers associated with prolonged exposure to The RF and Wi-fi low level radiation effect on Patients suffering from EHS reported here ,Li-fi could replacing Wi-fi very soon.But what exactly is Li-fi?
Light-based wireless communication, coined as Li-Fi by Harald Haas at a TED talk , is a method of internet connectivity that uses flickering the light from a
special LED to transmit data . The technology is still being developed by researchers at the University of Edinburgh in the UK, but it already looks like it will be more effective and more secure health wise than
Frequently used Wi-Fi.
Li-fi spews light out to connect to your smartphone and laptop.
FILE/Fair use
As compared to Wi-Fi which spews out radio waves in all directions around your home from a wireless router. When your wireless
device detects the LED light, it connects to your Light bulb( wireless router) which then connects you to
the Internet.
Image courtesy FILE/Fair use
However,Li-fi has some potential downsides;
•It operates withing a short range just like you've seen in the photo illustration FILE/Fair use
•High installation costs.You'll need LED light bulbs
All in all the Li-fi is a perfect plan for the house or office:-)
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Did you know that the poison fish powder can kill you slowly once you've inhaled it or after being blown into your physical body?Well,I guess you remember How the fish liver killed a famous actor after consuming the 'delicacy' .Anyway
away from that, Witchcrafts use this powder as paraphernalia for their clients who come knocking asking for means of finishing their rivals.Deep down the famous west Africa is where the practice is effected.
How is the powder obtained from the poison fish?
The powder is obtained by drying the poison fish or fish
trimmings, often after cooking, and then grinding it. If it is a fatty fish it is also pressed to extract most of the fish oil but who would use poison fish oil?
Well,it happened that there were two brothers who were fighting over the land that had been left by their
dad.The younger brother was full of greed and felt the best thing to get over this scenario is to go visit a baba.Baba gave him a poison fish powder paraphernalia and instructed him to blow the powder on the brother's face.The younger brother left and timed his elder brother and whew!Blew the powder on him.At first there was no effect but 8Days later the brother was found dead In a disturbing position.The powder had killed him slowly till the time of death.
One chilling thing about the powder is that it kills you slowly and you may never notice it and you'll never die.Another thing is that you die at the last position of your body.If you were holding a phone.Its like that.You die holding the phone and your eyes open.
Be sure to check my next post on how flourescent tubes can kill you slowly

We all know meek’s love for motorbikes.
From posting pictures of him doing his thing on insta to doing vids,motorbikes have a special
place on meek’s life.However,meek almost lost
While performing dangerous stunts on the street,meek almost got it by a moving car
from the opposite direction.Picture
below.Though not clear.The first picture says it
all.That obsession is on another level
Friday, 23 October 2015
Sunday, 18 October 2015
Wednesday, 14 October 2015
Ever experienced a debilitating feeling after waking up?I bet you have.Well ,when you wake up earlier than your body expects,it gets thrown off.Let say you've been used to 8hours sleep but one day you wake up after 6 hours sleep,it's likely that you'll experience the debilitating feeling.
Maybe before going to bed next time, remind yourself that you are getting up at a certain time

Biznerati carnival :2nd Edition
Biznerati Carnival:3rd Edition
Biznerati Carnival:4Th Edition
Biznerati Carnival:5th Edition
Biznerati Carnival:6th Edition
Biznerati carnival:7th Edition
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Tuesday, 13 October 2015

I remember in 2012, when fires swept through the Nairobi slums of Kibera and Mathare reportedly destroying up to 600 homes. In a matter of hours thousands of people had lost their homes and possessions just like that.That was one painful moment.I remember telling myself that I'll one day come up with a solution. With the shocking statistics that accompanies slum fires rising up,there is clearly an urgent need to discover innovative ways to adapt and to increase local-level engagement in hard-hit areas
In redesigning the current fire response mechanism,we first need to identify the challenges being experienced by the current response mechanism.After having the problems,we can now constitute a framework that will solve these challenges,then we proceed to delegating tasks and eventually monitor the framework.
We all know informal settlements are dense,tightly woven and prone.This structural arrangement at times gives challenges to the fire response mechanisms in place.The poor infrastructure too serves as a challenge to the current fire response mechanisms which results to massive time delay in reaching the affected area. There is little local community involvement and also inadequate emergency response mechanisms in households not forgetting poorly trained members in most of the households.For these reasons, to achieve worthwhile fire redesign, emphasis must lie on the development of community fire response stations.This will reduce the risk of slum fires by a thousand fold.
Developing a community Fire response station is KEY.I'll start by constituting the framework first before delegating tasks. In this community fire response station,I'll put a hierachy.At the top,there is the Leader.The leader is in charge of a given slum,followed by workers.These workers should be chosen with this criteria;1 representative from each 15 households,if there are 75 households that means only 5 representatives will be required in the framework.At the lower level,I'll create a feedback mechanism.with that I'll close the framework.
Now after designing the framework,I'll delegate tasks to fill the positions created in the framework.The leader will be elected based on the slum dwellers choice.The leader's designation will be to use sms interactive technology to involve the community.With this sms interactive technology,the leader can send bulk fire safety education texts to the whole community who can then choose to respond with question Now the pro-bono workers will be chosen with the criteria above. The pro-bono workers must have the emergency response mechanisms of each households within their marked territory. With that filled,emphasis must Then again lie on emergency response mechanisms related to each household and appropriate training for members of that household.The pro-bono workers are tasked with ensuring each member of the households is equipped with the right training and also ensure the emergency response mechanism are effective.Its the responsibility of the pro-bono workers to report to the Leader.
In the event of fire in a territory ,members of the household can call their representatives who will access the affected area in no time .Communication is Key. The community fire response mechanism internal systems capable of fighting the fire, such as sprinklers, alarms and appropriate extinguishers should be adequate.
Fire hydrants should also be in vicinity.A sign should be placed near the hydrant informing the community members that no blocking structure should be placed near the fire hydrant.The fire hydrants can really come in handy when an emergency unfolds.
Last but not least,I will develop an effective feedback mechanism.As I mentioned earlier,an effective feedback mechanism in the framework is KEY.The community fire response mechanism will have a USSD that members of the community can give their feedback free of charge.The community Fire response mechanism can develop the USSD code by help of a telecommunications service provider.This code can include 2 or 3 questionnaires about the community fire response framework .let's say the code is *2355#,a slum dweller can initialize the code and answer the questions free of charge,and through this the community fire response team will obtain feedback.
I intend to further develop over the second phase of the challenge if selected in order to advance, develop and refine this idea :-).I would like to also be mentored by a telecommunication service provider on the part of developing a USSD code and also G4S Fire Services.
Monday, 12 October 2015

Come up with an online show where you do episodes exploring on various cuisines.This might help those who don't want to feel alone while eating giving them some form of virtual company just like the south korean woman who eats for a living .What do you get in return?
The subscribers to your online show get to pay in some form of virtual currency which you can later redeem into real cash:-).For this to happen, you will need to have a conversion system that will trade in real cash for the virtual currency you get. Let's take a simple example.
Let's say the subscribers to your online show are restricted to one episode for the day. Every bonus episode that the subscriber would request for that day requires him/her to pay 800 virtual coins.
Let's assume the online show also has additional content that a subscriber can buy . For example - the online show has many different never seen before episodes that subscriber can view but only after the subscriber buys the special package.
Let say you have 1000 subscribers per episode.(1000*800)That will be 800,000 in form of virtual coins.One question you may be asking is how can one get access to the virtual coin?Subscribers can get coins either by through completing tasks (such as inviting friends, liking pages or watching ads) or buying virtual coins directly from bitstamp.
After collecting the virtual coins,you can then redeem them into $ with the help of a conversion system.VOILA!!
Saturday, 10 October 2015
Wednesday, 7 October 2015
I woke up to a 'vibe-killing' sore throat today morning that got me questioning last night activities,but still couldnt find an accurate reason
that could explain the condition.Well,turns out that there are Many little things that change in our bodies when we are asleep.
One of these changes is
PDF: #BizneratiCarnival:5th Edition Grab your FREE COPY!!
decreased production of saliva, which can cause someone's throat to become dry if the air in the room is not humid enough.
READ ALSO: Why you should worry about your snoring
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Tuesday, 6 October 2015
Let's say you living with your roommate.More often,he or she tends to sleep earlier than you.Could be his or her routine sleep cycle.So tonight is that night.
You are watching your favorite late night movie when you suddenly hear a loud snort.Surprise surprise!!Guess who it's coming from?Your roommate.Then after a few minutes you hear the loud snort again.This goes on for around 25 times in a duration of an hour.Then your roomie starts snoring.You quickly wear your signature headphones and continue watching the movie.
The next morning you ask your roomie of the loud snorts and to his surprise he tells you that he was not aware of the loud snorts which leaves you equally surprised.During the day,you observe the roomie excessive sleepiness which widens the gapoff puzzle.
Turns out the roomie has a sleep disorder known as sleep apnea.(where one experiences breathing pauses while asleep).
The Breathing pauses can last from a few seconds to minutes.(Shallow breathing) Typically, normal breathing then starts again, sometimes with a loud snort.This disorder tends to disrupt sleep more so if you tend to have more apnea events during your 8 hours. When you're asleep, the muscles will relax, allowing the throat to collapse , causing an interruption of airflow,during these time one experiences shallow breathing or breathing pause which later triggers activities that tend to increase airflow which includes a loud snort and even snoring.
The more apnea events one experiences,the more tired they'll get when they wake up and also experience excessive sleepiness during the day.
Funny how Gadget and technology enhancements that should make your life easy turn out to be costly, health wise.I remember meeting Joe, Meniere's disease ( is a disease of the inner ear which affects the auditory and balance systems of the body.) victim.We sat down and he started talking
BIZNERATI:Hello Joe,Welcome to the podcast
JOE:Thank you very much
BIZNERATI:Tell me more about your story
JOE:Well,it all started during my freshman days.Those good days when we didn't have much classes to attend to and almost every teen was caught up in the euphoria of wearing earphones.So I used to share my premium in-ear earphones with lots of friends since my earphones were one up
BIZNERATI:(sips water from glass)Continue
JOE:So one night,I started experiencing strange crackling,sometimes thumping ringing noise on my left ear.I remember that night I didn't sleep
BIZNERATI:Was it only on the left ear?
JOE:Yes.This stressed me a lot.I never slept for 3 consecutive nights
BIZNERATI:Did you visit a doctor?
JOE:I never did 'cause I viewed this as a temporary situation.But that changed when it went chronic
BIZNERATI:What do you mean?
JOE: It reached a point where where the moment I closed my eyes I’d become unstable and almost fall down.
BIZNERATI:Sorry about that,what happened next
JOE:I quickly went to the doctor and that's when the doctor revealed my worst fears.I had suffered a bad ear infection and Apparently, my brain was using my eyes to make up for my messed up inner ear balance stuff.I wished the ground would open and swallow me.Where had I gotten the bad ear infection from?The doc told me ,could be from friends I was sharing my in ear earphones with,listening to music full blast
BIZNERATI:Did he recommend any treatment?
JOE:He told me as per that time there was no known cure but told me I could control the symptoms
BIZNERATI:Wow!How is it living with the bad ear infection
JOE:Its hard but I'm optimistic a cure will be found
BIZNERATI:Final words to the listener
JOE:Dont get trapped in the comforts and luxuries of the advancement of technology.Some of these advancements impose multiple side effects on our health which will be costly at the dead end