Anyone who’s finished a marathon wouldn’t be shocked to find that the enduring effort caused damage to their body and heart. I vividly remember while in a school I would get punished by the Games teacher for not completing the first lap.I always tried to explain to him but all that fell on deaf ears. Did you know that too much running can lead to a shorter lifespan?
Well,a Research study that was done confirms this.The enzyme that is released after
blood pressure ,perfecting the body and allowing free flow of blood circulation,it could also pose a risk of shorter lifespan on the downside.
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That's why its advisable to have a moderate or average running regimen. At least a break should be in between.It's much healthier to run a comfortable distance.Moderation is KEY.
The fact that there is similarity between the enzyme released after running a marathon and when heart failure occurs is reason enough to activate the moderation button. Tweet
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