Zscaler,a security firm,came across a new mobile ransomware variant that leverages pornography to lure victims into downloading and installing It.
In their blog , the security firm.
Gave out crucial details about the fake android app.For instance,the Url looks suspicious,it starts with "hxxps.That only is enough to raise eyebrows. Security firm found out the ransomware acts as a porn app named "Adult Player" and lures victims who assume it is a pornographic video player. When the victim starts using it,
the app silently takes a photo of the victim, which is then displayed on the ransomware screen, along with the ransom message.This is enough to drive a victim into a panic attack.The app demands a ransom of 500 USD."Now imagine if the app snaps you while in a compromised face 'situation'.[Chuckles]You'll be obliged to pay the ransom in a bid to save face.
One female victim confesses,"This happened to me and I had to buy a new smartphone .I mean the app caught my face in the compromised situation and the thought of being a laughing stock scared me.blah so not just men lol"
Another victim talks of how he was held 'hostage' for 2hours by the ransomware as he looked up for ways he could flush out the ransomware."I downloaded a root explorer,looked up for the ransomware,flushed it out,then rebooted my phone.[Sighs]I'm never downloading any app from any website other than the official stores."
What android app asks for administrative rights as a must consent pre- installation?Anyway,if the permissions appear 'intimidating' flag that app
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