rise of the venomous golden lancehead snakes in the now proclaimed island of death
•Nobody is allowed to be near or even visit the dreaded island with the exception of scientists who now live in a lighthouse
•It's alleged that the former inhabitants of the lighthouse were killed by the venomous lanceheads
•According to Epic Wildlife, Well about 11,000 years ago the island was once attached to the mainland, that was until the sea levels began to rise separating it from the coast.
With very few predators around, the snakes on the island were able to quickly multiply and continuously evolve, leading to them having the
super venom they have today.
No human is allowed to visit, with the exception of a few scientists given permission to study the
According to a former Zoologist ,"
I've been there once, for 30 minutes, saw God knows how many snakes, then got back in the boat and left XD
I was with a zoologist and a team, I had to stay with the boat and make
sure no snakes got on it. I had to use a flame torch to ward of any curious
snakes...they didn't like it "
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